Sunday, 2 March 2014

Never Have I Ever...Used EVERNOTE

Dear Blogger,

I am prone to organizing my schoolwork, as mentioned previously, I am a neat freak. My desktop is currently crowded with “Folders” where I have my research and rough work for each courses assignments divided and sorted **see image**(brought to you by a tool called “screenshot” provided on all laptops and most mobile devices). However, the Folders keep building and the sight of them is driving me nuts! I want to keep organized but I don’t want to be reminded of all my work every time I sign into my account. Any suggestions?

Organized and Confused

Borchuk, L. (CC) 2014.
One word: Evernote. Evernote is a web source that captures all forms of information and allows you to store all of your sources in one place. From images, URLs, to academic journals, if you need to organize it Evernote will store and sort it for you. It is the perfect solution and storage application for users who are interested in keeping all of their information in one accessible place. Relating this to our P.L.E. from the second week, I would put Evernote under Scholarly and Social. As stated last week, I am realizing how often the Social and Scholarly worlds collide. You may notice I have a third category, Direct Communication. Can you use Evernote as a form of Direct Communication? YES. For personal purposes, I would mainly use it for Scholarly. BUT like your Digital Footprint, customize your P.L.E. and adjust your P.L.N. for what works for YOU. There is no standardized "digital users" guide to these tools. Find the tools that work for you, and use them accordingly! The Web is there to be utilized and customized. With multiple tools, there are endless possibilities for their uses. Just like every individual, every course and every tool has its individual purpose; don't be afraid to stray away from the 'typical' tool usage! Let the "digital citizen" in you come out
Just as you have a separate notebook for every subject in school, you can have an individual online notebook for each assignment. Since it is online you don't have to worry about misplacing or losing the physical notebook. You can SYNC it with your other devices. You will have all necessary materials whether at home, school, or away for a weekend.
Evernote (2014). "Syncing" (devices)
Retrieved from:
Last week we learnt about CURATING. Evernote allows you to store that information, collect reliable sources (scholarly and non-scholarly), as well as contribute personal insights for you to curate and get involved in the “digital community”. 

Currently we are working on group assignments and my partner and I are responsible for collecting sources surrounding the topic of "Digital Communication". Specifically we are examining proper etiquette and usage of these digital tools. I was following a blog on Feedly, and they provided me with an article regarding using cell phones in public and how sometimes they are NOT appropriate. I was able to "snip" the blog post, and apply it to my Evernote Notebook! Now my partner, though originally wasn't following the blog, is provided with access to the same content.

Want to personalize it even more? WELL I went out and found some specific uses for it where it can help me in the work force! I found the top 5 reasons to incorporate it into the Public Relations field. It is the best way to use Evernote for what I want to do past school! If I can find a use for it outside of the Scholar and Social realm, I'm sure you can too! Put those fingertips and social network "lurking skills" to good use! I have added more "Public Relations" feeds to my Feedly so I can keep informed and involved with the digital age of P.R. 

One last reason to join Evernote?
One word.
Starts with an F. (Remember- this blog is rated PG ladies and gents)
4-letter adverb
Meaning: without cost or payment.
Giphy (2014). "Speechless Patrick" (say what)
Retrieved from: 
FREE. Yes, music to every student's ears. It is free, and will help with the daunting task of collecting and organizing sources for assignments and tasks to come.

So come on now! Give it a try


A Fellow Organ-aholic


1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren,

    I found your post very entertaining. I agree that Evernote is a great tool, very practical, as I am also a neat freak. I never used to want to do research anywhere but home because they I would have to transfer the information back, it is so much easier to have it organized on my computer! Now I must admit that I am a fan of this tool. I can find information from anywhere and share it with whom ever I like! Happy clipping!
