Wednesday, 9 April 2014

All Good Things Come to an End

QUESTION: have you ever Google'd yourself? I know you have! I mean, who hasn't right? 
What did you see? How big was your footprint...and more importantly was it positive?

If this course has taught me one thing- it is be CAUTIOUS of what I post. Even after you delete a post or image, it will remain online. If the content is available and accessible to you, it is just as accessible to other users. When I Google'd myself I found information from when I played hockey and took part in triathlons...from when I was in elementary school!! You do the math...that is years of content and user exploration. 

Unfortunately, this my last blog post. I know I know, please try to hold back the tears!
Lets focus on the POSITIVE! Overall this course has helped me learn the concepts behind being a digital citizen, and how important it is be an active one. Digital communication has altered the way in which people communicate today, and it is up to YOU (and me) to follow the trends and learn the knowledge others are willing to share. As well as share our knowledge to help out other users. You can build amazing connections online as long as you follow the rules of being a good digital citizen and are open and willing to embrace the opportunities the Internet has to offer!

Tumblr. (2013). sad. (animated image)
Retrieved from:

Now before I leave you, I want to end with three main concepts that have stuck out to me the most throughout this course.

Golden rule: The golden rule is; do onto others as you would have done onto you. Everyone has the same right to contribute to the Internet as well as the same freedom to explore. Be respectful to other users when adding comments and posts.

Fads: Yes, it may be popular now to post crude comments as well as racy “party” pictures, but just like fashion trends, these online fads will come and go. Is it worth compromising your digital footprint for 5 minutes of “instafame” or “Facebook” likes? *PSSST...It's NOT*

Be informed: Before entering online networks do your research! It is important to keep yourself protected and alert when on these forums. Every user has the right to be protected on these networks, but that does not mean hackers aren't out there. Be cautious when sharing any personal or credit information because you never know who may gain access to it.


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