Wednesday, 9 April 2014

All Good Things Come to an End

QUESTION: have you ever Google'd yourself? I know you have! I mean, who hasn't right? 
What did you see? How big was your footprint...and more importantly was it positive?

If this course has taught me one thing- it is be CAUTIOUS of what I post. Even after you delete a post or image, it will remain online. If the content is available and accessible to you, it is just as accessible to other users. When I Google'd myself I found information from when I played hockey and took part in triathlons...from when I was in elementary school!! You do the math...that is years of content and user exploration. 

Unfortunately, this my last blog post. I know I know, please try to hold back the tears!
Lets focus on the POSITIVE! Overall this course has helped me learn the concepts behind being a digital citizen, and how important it is be an active one. Digital communication has altered the way in which people communicate today, and it is up to YOU (and me) to follow the trends and learn the knowledge others are willing to share. As well as share our knowledge to help out other users. You can build amazing connections online as long as you follow the rules of being a good digital citizen and are open and willing to embrace the opportunities the Internet has to offer!

Tumblr. (2013). sad. (animated image)
Retrieved from:

Now before I leave you, I want to end with three main concepts that have stuck out to me the most throughout this course.

Golden rule: The golden rule is; do onto others as you would have done onto you. Everyone has the same right to contribute to the Internet as well as the same freedom to explore. Be respectful to other users when adding comments and posts.

Fads: Yes, it may be popular now to post crude comments as well as racy “party” pictures, but just like fashion trends, these online fads will come and go. Is it worth compromising your digital footprint for 5 minutes of “instafame” or “Facebook” likes? *PSSST...It's NOT*

Be informed: Before entering online networks do your research! It is important to keep yourself protected and alert when on these forums. Every user has the right to be protected on these networks, but that does not mean hackers aren't out there. Be cautious when sharing any personal or credit information because you never know who may gain access to it.


Friday, 4 April 2014

Rocking & Remixing

When I heard the term "Garage Band" I automatically picture Lindsay Lohan in Freaky Friday
This week, we continued our journey of remixing & creating, and added a whole new meaning to Garage Band (for me anyway). Garage Band is a tool that falls into this weeks session about remixing and creating your own content. It allows users to create podcasts. Now, personally, I am NOT a Podcaster! For starters, that CANNOT be what my voice actually sounds it? But if I were to add it to my P.L.E.I would use it for social purposes, as a way to express my opinions or interest. Not only can you create podcasts you can also follow them. iTunes provides a library of accessible podcasts  you can cater to your interests. For instance, I am a girl, I like fashion, I like following fashion trends, so why not listen to fashion podcasts? Podcasts are other users who are sharing their interests and trying to connect with those who have valuable feedback and insights they can build off of.
TechTailgate (2013). Talking Wee Mee (online image from blog).
Retrieved from: here
BUT: let me summarize my experience for those of you who are interested in the art of podcasting!
Overall, I was surprised at how user friendly the tool was. I was nervous to use it but once I opened the application I realized that there was nothing to be afraid of (other than the sound of my own voice). I simply pressed "record", spoke, and once I was done I pressed "stop". After I simply pressed "play" and braced myself for the sound that would be coming from my speakers. Podcasts are the newest way to reach your potential audience. As technologies emerge, and new users enter these spheres they are constantly looking for the most effective and efficient method of receiving their news. Podcasts allow the users to CREATE their content, as well as REMIX other content (as long as they don't have a copyright).
GIPHY (2014). Recording. (online image).
Retrieved from: 
Now, since we are on the topic of copyright, once you create your podcast or content, you as a digital citizen have the right to create your own patent! You have every right to protect your works and set the boundaries for those who may want to use or remix it. Remember Creative Commons from last week? Not only does it provide copyright free images, but it provides the software for you to create your own! So give it a try! Protect your online identity and embrace your rights as a digital citizen.
This online course has taught me to not only be aware of my responsibilities and rights as a digital citizen, but to also learn to protect myself online. With these digital footprints being left behind, it is important to protect the content you produce and share so my 'digital self' remains MINE.

Speaking of online courses...It's a bird, it's a plane it's a.... M.O.O.C.? As in....moccasins? mean the other M.O.O.C. as in... Massive Open Online Course...GOT IT! What rhymes with M.O.O.C. --- BROCK! 
Pouted Magazine (2014). Latest Education Trends. (online learning)
Retrieved from:
Yes! Brock just received a grant of $75 000 to offer GEOG 1F90 across the province as an online course! Why is this a good thing? Well, first things first, online courses brought you this fabulous blog of mine! Anyone...? No, but in all seriousness online courses allow for learners to connect and collaborate over a common purpose. One of the perks of online learning is it allows you to engage in the learning process but on YOUR TIME! YES! Unlike formal classes held at a learning facility, learners are able to create their own schedule depending on their availability. With something so flexible how can you dislike it?

If you're like me, and love to follow the latest trends in fashion, think of this as the newest trend in education. Don't let physical barriers interfere with your learning, I definitely don't let it interfere with my shopping.


Saturday, 29 March 2014

Using Copyright material is CopyWRONG

Rebloggy (2013). Tumblr (swearing in).
Retrieved from: tumblr
Do you swear to use non-copyrighted content and only non-copyright content, while citing properly, in order to be a responsible citizen? 
*I DO*
 This is an oath that every digital citizen must take in order to be a RESPONSIBLE digital citizen. Okay I may or may not have made that up but who can say no to Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis?! As we have been learning throughout this course, a major aspect of being a digital citizen is understanding the rules of online content and respecting other users on these platforms. One aspect that is often over looked, is the 'stealing' of other users content. Images and videos are amongst the most frequently shared content on the Internet. HOWEVER: before sharing users have to check if they are 'sharing' or 'stealing'. There is a fine line between the two but it is important to know! Need some help? Here are a few tools to help verify the sources you are using! 

S. Benini (2014). Flikr. (online image)
Retrieved from:here
Animito was our way of utilizing creative commons, and showing how it is possible to create a powerful presentation by using non-copyrighted images! Don't believe me? Check out my page and watch for yourself! It is important to teach digital users, especially the younger generation, that even something as small as an image has an owner and it is important to pay tribute to that owner. Certain restrictions limit the use and modification of images and as a digital citizen you must respect that right. Now with all these patents and copyrights how are you to find images that are usable?! Not to fear Creative Commons is here! Creative commons is an online database that searches and categorizes USABLE images for uses to use guilt free! It allows you customize the licensing that is needed for the intent you wish to use it! It is like your "online assistant" it does the paper work for you and makes sure you are in the clear!
Uhmm yes, I’ll take the image in the top right, along with the bottom middle- and no thank you, hold the legalities! 

A, Yoskowitz. (2014).MP3tunes. (online image).
Retrieved from: MP3tunes
Copyright has been an ongoing battle, especially within the music industry. An article was published by the New York Times, where Mr. Roberts, a music pioneer, is in the middle of a lawsuit where he may have to pay up to 41$ MILLION in long-going copy right infringement. Yes you saw that correctly...41 MILLION. Now, it is not always going to be in the millions. For first time offenders and users like ourselves, we would receive a warning from the site you posted if a case of copyright was reported. But this article just goes to show how serious copy right infringement is! It is important to be aware that just because it is downloadable, does not mean it is right. 

So next time you go sharing, downloading or modifying content online...think of Justin and Mila... are you following the digital citizen 'oath'?


Thursday, 27 March 2014

TWO for the price of ONE

Kaushik, P. (2012). Management & Collaboration (online image)
Retrieved from:
TWO for the price of ONE: read this post and learn about TWO NEW TOOLS! That's right, this week was quite busy! As mentioned in my post, "Voice your opinion on Voicethread!", this week we explored Voicethread! But we did not just stop there, we also explore Polldaddy. As we move into collaborative knowledge we continue to learn new tools that help communicating and the development of users knowledge! Both of these tools are accessible and FREE to use. I know I say it all the time but that word- FREE- is music to my ears #StudentProblems. Now how do these tools work? Why are these tools so effective for learning and RETAINING knowledge that we build on these online communities?
*Blogger Challenge: Can you describe these tools and why they work in 150 words or less?!*

Brief Overview: 
1) Voicethread: allows users to interact with the slideshow to contribute and engage with the information. Can be used as a storytelling aid, research tool and assessment tool. 
2) Polldaddy: allows you to create online surveys where students can cast their vote as well as see other users feedback and  answers. BUILD off their answers.
Why do these tools work? Here are a few facts on memory retainment
10% remember what they HEAR
20% remember what they SEE 
65% will remember if you combine voice (hear) and visuals (see). 
*Simple math....carry the one... yeah- 65% is WAY better than 10% or 20%
By combining the visual of the Voicethread presentation, or the visual of the polling data learners have a HIGHER chance of remembering the knowledge they have learned.

Both of these tools would fit into my P.L.E. under a direct means of communication, but for a scholarly purpose. I believe that these tools are both STRONG collaborative tools that will help in an academic context. They both are online networks *cough P.L.N. cough* that allow users to build off of others knowledge, and can benefit the learner by seeing their fellow users thought process!

GIPHY. (2014). School (animated gif).
Retrieved from:
Work, work, work, and no play? I found an article on my Feedly this week that ties nicely into the theme behind our classes Voicethread. The Globe and Mail posted a story about employees and their constant attachment to their work. Work is no longer 9am-5pm, it is now taken home with workers and many send emails after hours. Seeing as these online communities are available and accessible at all times, it is hard to draw that line between "work and recreation". I think it is important that we still remember how even though these tools are available- it does not mean they are always necessary. What do you guys think? Any tips on how to break the endless email cycle?

That's a wrap!


Monday, 24 March 2014

Technology Scenario #7: my unintended photoshoot "debut"

Scenario #7
Mrs. Peters enjoys working with technology. She has been working with computers for several years now and has her own website to allow friends to keep up with what her family is doing. Every year she posts her family's holiday photo on the website. A friend who lives overseas contacts her and says that she saw her family's photo being used as an advertisement. Neither Mrs. Peter nor her husband know anything about it. How do you protect your identity? (Ribble, 2011, p. 92)
Stay Smart Online. (2014). Identity (online image).
Retrieved from:
Well it seems to me that Mrs. Peters has a classic case of the "didn't you read the fine print?"

Problem: Mrs. Peter was not fully aware of her privacy settings when she first launched her personal website. 
Referring back to last week , we were asked to create a concept map regarding "Digital Citizen Rights and Responsibilities". The problem with this scenario, is Mrs. Peter was not fully aware of what she was signing up for. In terms and conditions, websites list terms the user must 'accept' before launching their site. Mrs. Peter should have been more attentive when reading the terms to ensure her content would be use appropriately.

How to avoid this: be aware and informed. Before consenting and joining a new network do your homework. Be aware of the privacy settings, and know who holds the copyright to any information or content that is shared. 
If Mrs. Peter's had read the terms and conditions she would not have allowed her content to be used and exploited for advertisements. Here are 10 ways to protect your online identity that will be helpful to prevent this from happening again. 

BUT- let's put on the breaks, shall we? Mrs. Peter's has the right to own her own content, as well as the right to share her content for her intended purposes. What do you think is the real problem, users being inattentive or the owners of these digital networks misleading users and using users content inappropriately? 

Voice your opinions on voicethread!

Students its time: to raise your voice! And no, I'm not talking about the 2004 Hilary Duff movie. Hey now don't go "awwww-ing" on me yet, I have something better. Instead of enabling student procrastination, I am here to tell you of a tool that will ENABLE LEARNING. Voicethread brings the classroom to you. Sorry folks, the whole "but I can't make it into the school today" excuse no longer works. Voicethread, much like a majority of our tools, can be used anywhere and any time as long as you are capable of an Internet connection.

Voicethread brings learning to life, and adds a new flare for the younger generation. With the emphasis being placed on technology these days it is important to take that excitement students have for technology, and harness it within an academic context. Voicethread allows you to create an interactive slideshow, where students are able to comment and share their opinions on the slides. Comments can be left via voice notes, or typed out comments.

Tumblr. (2014). Thumbs Up (animated gif).
Retrieved from:
At the top of this blog post I have posted a Voicethread that we used in our online course, ADED 1P32. This Voicethread is about digital rights and responsibilities, which is important for students to learn. This is a cool way to TEACH students about the rules of being a responsible digital citizen by allowing them the opportunity to be active digital citizens, and contributing to the slide show.
I thought this was a cool tool and can see it being incorporated into many aspects of the scholarly world (*AHEM* the academic part of my P.L.E.). I liked how accessible it was and the availability of other students comments and opinions! I could see this being a tool that could be used for next time I have to facilitate a seminar and need class participation! When would you see yourself using this tool?!


Sunday, 16 March 2014

Wait..Wikipedia CAN be Scholarly?

Tumblr. (2014). Red Flag (animated gif).
Retrieved from:
Collaborative Learning seems to be one of the biggest task student's have to face today! It seems that when it comes to the Web, user's love to interact for social reasons a.k.a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest (*ahem*sound familiar)...but when it comes to interacting with fellow classmates for an assignment...a red flags shoots up!
TheWeb 2.0 has made networking and collaborating for group work efficient and timely! It is time to put those red flags down, and swap them out for a mouse...a computer mouse (or track pad if you're into that kinda thing). This week we explored Wikipedia- the online encyclopedia. Now, with a slogan so catchy, I'm sure most users have heard of it. Wikipedia is an online tool that works as an online collaborative learning tool that allows you to join the conversation and MODIFY the conversation. It also allows anyone to create their own Wiki! Now that being said, it acts as a double-edged sword. Seeing as anyone can edit and save the PDF, users must be aware of the QUALITY of content they are contributing or citing. Usually for school assignments, professors advise students NOT to cite Wikipedia because of the history of false information that has been contributed. BUT that does not mean we have to nix it all together. My advice? Use it for group projects! This is a GREAT way, much like Google Docs, to contribute and come together as a group without having to physically be in the same location. In fact Wikipedia and Google Docs share multiple similar features. Such as:
Borchuk, L. (CC). Wiki (edited online image). 2014.
Retrieved from:
·Editing: It is continuously updated and can be edited and saved by anyone who wishes to contribute.
·Format: Turns itself into a document when you want to edit you simply press "edit" write your contribution then click "save" and it returns to a webpage 
·Page History: It allows you to keep track of the original variations where you can revert back to the previous document if you would like to see what has been changed or added.
· Links: Allows you to add links quickly and efficiently to strengthen your information or direct your learners/other users in a helpful direction. 

Gather round! Gather round! 
Tumblr. (2014). Social Media (animated GIF)
Retrieved from:  
I have a tale to tell about a little celebrity who decided it was time to join the conversation, and use INTERACTIVE ONLINE TOOLS to move forward in the business world (Provided by: a Feedly reader near you) Even the rich and famous have to collaborate with the public and their business partners in order to move forward in their career. Slowly people are realizing the power of the Internet and the Web 2.0 Social Networks. Who is this mystery woman? She was known for her fabulous fashion on the screen, and she is carrying the shoe torch off the screen as well. Still not sure? Ladies and gentlemen let me present Sarah Jessica Parker. She was known as a shoe icon on Sex and the City, and her passion for shoes lives on. She is starting her own shoe collection and as her marketing and promotional approach, she is using all the social networking tools the Web has to offer. The Web 2.0 is a powerful tool that is dominating the structure of society. By students and online users learning about these tools it will only help prepare and strengthen them for the real world. HOWEVER- every user has a right and a responsibility to create a positive atmosphere with these online tools. A Digital Citizen needs to extend the same freedom to EVERY user. Below is a concept map I created, through Popplet, on rights and responsibilities that should be considered when entering and contributing to the digital realm. ANOTHER tool we used previously. Wow this week just reinforces how useful all these online tools can be! 
Borchuk, L (CC) 2014.
Just like that we have more information and tools added to our belt.
With this course coming to an end I am still amazed at how many useful tools I have been introduced to and new functions for tools I knew of that I have never considered!
The Web 2.0 is an awesome advancement that everyone should utilize!